I’ve been meaning to share Andie’s nursery for a whole year! It was ‘ready’ when she was born, but in classic Lex style I’ve tinkered away for an extra 365 days collecting, adding and subtracting. As always, I never feel like a room is ever finished. But! It’s neat and tidy, so that’ll do,

When we moved into our new house, this room was a study. It’s teeny tiny and was a quirky shade of blue. I debated whether to keep the blue and add wall decals and then thought, nup! Andie is our last precious bambino, so I figured I may as well go all out with her nursery… which meant painting it pink!
We’d never owned a house, so painting a room was so exciting. I felt naughty! And nervous, how hard is choosing paint colours?! But I’m so happy with the pink, the room is so much brighter now.

Then it was onto the wall decals. Now I have to be honest here, this was a hard, hard job. Oh BIPPETY was it hard. First off, it took the decals a million weeks to arrive from overseas. It was crazy hard to understand how many sheets I needed and thankfully I ordered the right amount. But then.. the tricky part. Each of the flowers peeled off into multiple pieces. WHAT. It took a long, long time to stick them on the wall. Especially pregnant and up on a stepladder. Live and learn!
I wanted to feature some cute things on the walls like some of the IKEA FLISAT book shelves that the boys have in their room, and also the IKEA wall doll house which is so adorable. I painted them both the same pink as the walls and lined the doll house walls with sweet paper.

The rocking chair is a cute story (my Insta post that explains it) but in a nutshell I found it on Gumtree. The lovely bamboo magazine holder and the white cane chest were from my local St Vinnies.

I know you will want those perfect rose quartz book ends, yes? They’re from the divine Hart+Stone. Owner Cherry’s father-in-law is actually a gem hunter. He finds all these amazing pieces that they craft into the coolest things. These book ends are so big and special. I loved the idea of having rose quartz with its meaning of unconditional love, in Andie’s room.

Ahh wall art, one of my great loves! So, funny story about the Rachel Castle ‘Hey Kid’ tea towel. I wanted to buy it for Andie’s room, but I knew a kid who I wanted to give it to even more. So I bought Andie the flower version and the Hey Kid for a bestie’s new baby. Then it took me ages to figure out how to frame it (because I’m a perfectionist and didn’t want a single crinkle.) I eventually found the perfect frame and used a light spritz of spray glue over the back board, smoothed it onto the board then pressed it into the glass. Happy days! It was bubble wrapped and ready to go, when my pal sent me a snap of her nursery… and can you guess what was on the wall? HAHAHA. Yep! She already had the same tea towel framed. I KNEW she was going to love it. So the silver lining is that Andie and Augie her BFF now have matching wall art.

Also on the wall up the top there is the most gorgeous print of a painting by Yarli Creative. It’s called ‘Yindi, My Sunshine’. Yindi is the artist Maddy’s daughter and our girls are almost the same age. I bought the print for Andie’s first birthday and it’s my favourite gift that we gave her.

Are you starting to see a bit of a vintage 80’s vibe yet? Cos, I didn’t keep all my old toys for no reason folks! Yes, my Cabbage Patch Kids have a new home, as does my OG Cheer Bear, but the My Little Pony’s are new. Aldi had the anniversary versions on special and they were begging to come live with us.

This Love Star vase is one of their original heart vases that I’ve had since they first started making them. There’s another glitter one on the wall!
I had kind of hit on this retro vibe, so for Christmas Andie received this lovely wooden rocking horse that I found on FB Marketplace, which is also where the retro Barbie Take Along Travel Fold Out House. One of my all time great finds.

Andie’s cot is the same Pottery Barn one the boys both slept in. This particular style is discontinued – I’m guessing their similar styles would be the same quality which has been incredible. We have taken it apart and put it back together SO many times due to moving, plus raising and lowering the mattress, and it is the sturdiest piece of kids furniture we ever bought.
This flag I just found the other day! It’s now a fave part of the room. The beautiful cot sheet is Fleur Harris X Adairs.

I mean, this is super special. Yes that’s a kids size Rachel Burke Tinsel Jacket. I won it in a competition and its the most spectacular wall art.

OH I almost forgot!! The drawer handles! Ok, gosh I remember when I was young and cool and interviewing celebrities ha ha. Now I’m wild over vintage handles, but thats life I guess.
So, the handles. The room has a new chest of drawers because there is no wardrobe and I got it in my head, as I do, that it needed those gorgeous porcelain handles with flowers painted on them. I had the same kind in my room as a kid. How hard could it be to find them? Harder than I thought.

I bought a gorgeous set off a lady from Gumtree (wow, just realising most of this room is really second hand!), but the sizes were mixed so I only had 4 for the drawers and then some bigger door handles which I’ve had fixed to the walls as hooks. But how to finish the drawers? I then had to search and search for handles of the same size. I would sometimes find something similar, but they were either too big or too small. A total Goldilocks situation.
Until! A couple of weeks before Andie was born, like magic someone listed exactly 6 handles that looked so similar to the ones I needed. The size checked out, so I bought them from interstate and hoped for the best. Could you even BELIEVE my luck when they were almost identical. The floral pattern is so slightly different, otherwise you would have thought it was just one set. Gah! This kind of thing really jazzes me. So, long story short, the drawers got a cute makeover.

That lovely lamp is from Pottery Barn. Mr Ted there is wearing the OG confetti hat from my baby shower as made by my incred bestie Amy. And the beautiful doll (Zara) is from Wild Flower Liberty League. They make the most gorgeous diverse and inclusive dolls as well as other items with proceeds going to charity.

Curtains are KOO ‘Sprinkle’ from Spotlight and might I say, way cuter IRL.

Look, I could go on forever about this tiny room. It really brings me so much joy. I hope Andie feels the same way once she hangs out in here more.
If there is anything I’ve learnt from decorating all the kids rooms, it’s that nothing has to be expensive. Writing this I’ve realised so much of Andie’s room is thrifted, second-hand or up-cycled.
And listen, is there any need for a fancy nursery when the baby is born? No! The baby doesn’t care, they just want you. But does walking into this pretty little room soothe me when I’m tired, stressed or having to go back in again and again to pat her back? That’s a HECK YES. So it’s a win for everyone.